Monster Warlord Wiki

Holy Monsters Uriel
AT 415,530,000
DF 1,268,460,000
Upkeep: 0G
Price: Can't purchase
Leader Effect:
DF increase: 9%

Additional info
How to get this monster: Combine two Mystic Monsters, summon via Monster Cores, other game modes and the Shop.
Monster's skill: We Can't Fly
Skill effect in Arena: With a low probability, recover a large amount of the ally tanker's health and attack the enemy tanker.
Skill effect in Turf War: Recover 1 Ally's Health by 100% of your own DEF.
Passive skill: Sanctification: Health increases immensely
Skill description: Unlike the way they seem, Uriel and his horse cannot fly. Why do they have wings, anyway?