Monster Warlord Wiki
Monster Warlord Wiki


Post your Alliance Code in the comments! Please don't spam it. Be nice!

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By sending and accepting Alliance Requests via Alliance Codes, players can increase the Max number of monsters that can attack or defend in combat with bosses or other players.

The max is calculated as the total number of Alliances plus yourself, limited to 5 per player level, multiplied by six.

Players in your Alliance may participate in battles with bosses that you have summoned and will be able to see players whom you've marked for Alliance Revenge.

You can send a message to all of your Allies by going from Home -> Clan -> Alliance Message.

Recommendation feature

Users that are lower than a certain level or have a low number of Allies will receive Alliance recommendations so that more users may enjoy the game together. This feature is automated, but you can opt out if you don't want to be randomly added by new players.

To opt out, do this: Home -> Clan -> Uncheck "Ally recommendation feature"

Alliances Tutorial
